New Denture Wearers

Denture Adhesive: Do I Need Any?

If you wear dentures, you may have experienced the sinking feeling that comes along with having them slip out of place. Whether it’s a top or bottom set, front teeth, or back teeth, it’s never a comfortable experience. And it can happen at the most inopportune moments!

There are a few different ways to keep dentures from slipping. Dental adhesive is one option that you may want to consider. But what is dental adhesive, and do you really need it?

What Is A Dental Adhesive?

Denture adhesives provide a way to keep your dentures in place and can be particularly helpful if you have trouble with these attachments staying put. They can also help to fill in any gaps between your dentures and gums, making your dentures more comfortable to wear.

Dental adhesives are available in a variety of forms, including powders, pastes, strips, and wafers. You can also find denture adhesives that come in different flavors, such as mint or vanilla. When choosing a dental adhesive, be sure to read the label carefully and select one that is right for your needs. Many products on the market today are designed for both upper and lower dentures.

What Type of Denture Adhesive Should I Use?

There are various types of denture adhesives available, and it’s important to choose one that’s right for you. Your denturist can help you to choose the best type of adhesive for your needs.

The common types of denture adhesive include:


Powders are typically made from zinc oxide or kaolin clay. They work by absorbing moisture and creating a dry, sticky surface. This type of adhesive can be helpful in preventing your dentures from slipping, but it can also make them difficult to remove.


Wafers are thin, pliable sheets that can be cut to fit your dentures. They work by bonding to your gums and providing a seal that prevents food and liquids from getting under your dentures. Wafers are generally easy to remove, but they don’t provide as much hold as other types of adhesive.


Creams are made from a variety of ingredients, including water, glycerin, and sodium carboxymethylcellulose. They work by forming a bond between your dentures and gums. They provide a relatively strong seal.

Do I Need Denture Adhesive?

Whether or not you need denture adhesive is a personal decision. If you’re having trouble with your dentures staying in place, then adhesive would be a good temporary option. Nonetheless, be sure to talk to your denturist to find more permanent solutions for your peace of mind.

Other Options for Keeping Dentures in Place

Have second thoughts about denture adhesive? There are other options available for keeping your dentures in place.

Dental implants

A more permanent solution you may want to consider are dental implants. These are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jawbone. Once the implants have healed, they can be used to support a denture or dental bridge.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are false teeth that are held in place by your natural teeth on either side. They can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. For people who have trouble with their dentures staying in place, dental bridges may be a good option because they are held securely in place by your natural teeth.


Worrying about your dentures falling out can be a thing of the past with overdentures. These are dentures that are supported by dental implants or natural teeth. Overdentures have the option to be removable or fixed in place.

No matter what your needs are, there’s a dental solution that’s right for you. Be sure to talk to your denturist to find out which one is best for your needs and preferences.

Final Thoughts

Overall, it is important to be guided by a dental professional when it comes to choosing the right denture adhesive for you. There are a few different types of adhesives available, and the best type for you will depend on your unique needs. If you’re looking to find a permanent solution and avoid denture adhesives altogether, you may visit Hillhurst Denture Clinic. Our team can help you to choose the best type of denture for your needs and ensure that they stay in place. Give us a call today to book an appoint